Monday, January 31, 2011


Today was a day of transition. We said goodbye to Dr. Peter and Ineke this morning in Burkina Faso to begin our travels to Sierra Leone where our final two surveys will take place. We prayed during devotions this morning that God would give us favor with our luggage for our flights to Ghana. Every bag we were traveling with was overweight and we were flying on a small aircraft. He answered that prayer. Not one word was said and the all bags passed through without a problem.

We arrived in Accra where we will spend the night before flying to Freetown, Sierra Leone tomorrow. We couldn’t help but notice as we landed in Accra that the standard of living is much better than Burkina Faso. Ghana has a very stable government and the people are at peace. We were blessed that our taxi driver was listening to a Christian radio station during our forty minute ride to our hotel. Having the evening free gave us an opportunity to connect with a family from Gene’s home church in Lancaster County, Pa. We met at Papa Ye’s, a traditional Ghanaian restaurant. It was excellent food and we had a good visit as well.

We feel blessed tonight to be staying in a room that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. There’s something about the sound of water crashing the shore that is peaceful to the soul. Isaiah 51:15 says “for I am Jehovah thy God who stirreth up the sea, so that the waves thereof roar: Jehovah of hosts is his name.”

Posted today by Gene

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