Thursday, January 20, 2011


We were unable to log onto the Internet in Detroit, so we are taking advantage of a free 15-minute session here in Charles DeGaulle International in Paris. The airport is out of the city and we are unable to see anything beyond the airport. The time here is 6:21 AM back home, but 11:21 AM here in Paris. We met up with Doug Dykstra in Detroit and had dinner at Chile's in the terminal there. The overnight flight was smooth but the A330 was very tight seating. We got a little sleep. We went through Security here and are in our gate for the flight to Douala, which leaves in about 2 hours. The only thing lost so far was a mini-screwdriver in Tom's carry-on. It is about the same temperature here as back where we got on in Harrisburg. but the terminal is very warm. The flight to Douala is just a little shorter duration than the one from Detroit. Next post will be from Africa. Keep checking in. We are looking forward excitedly to what the Lord is going to do in the next 3 weeks!

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