Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last Day in Burkina Faso

We were privileged to attend the International Church service this morning held in a large room of the SIL Mission here in Burkina Faso. Matt Durkee was gave a good message from God's Word and we celebrated communion with these folks, which was a blessing. We met missionaries from all over this part of Africa, and it was good to speak with our Friends In Action friends as well.

After the church service we went to a local restaurant that served most of us Mexican food, which was a treat to be found in Africa. The food service was a bit slow, but the food was very good.

When we came back to our guest house, we again worked on sketches for the beginning of the electrical layout here for the hospital project. We will be working on a firm estimate for this job in the next few weeks, and are confident that God is behind it, so this will be a great ministry to the people of Ouagadougou.

We had dinner with our hosts again this evening, and enjoyed fellowshiping with them. We are looking forward to working together with them on this project sometime in the future.

We will be leaving here Tuesday morning for Accra, Ghana. We arrive in Ghana about an hour after the normal plane leaves for Sierra Leone, so we are forced to remain there overnight to catch the flight to Sierra Leone on Wednesday.

If you wish to check in on the Spot tomorrow, we will again turn it on when we arrive in Ghana. If you care to see what I mean by the Spot, check out the following link:,-1.49042&ll=12.37819,-1.49042&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

You will need to paste it into your browser as it doesn't show here as a hyperlink.

We are anticipating that with an additional piece of luggage we will all be within the airline's limits. We just need to get up early enough to finish packing (I mean I do..)

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