Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another Saturday in Africa

Today we spent a great deal of time going over the drawings from this survey in Burkina Faso as well as the previous survey in Cameroon. We requisitioned another piece of old luggage that we will use to divide up our baggage and hopefully get it all within the limits of our ext flight on Monday.

We visited a place where there were some artisans selling their wares from BK just before lunch. We have not had any slack time since the start of the trip and an hour or so of walking the streets was helpful. We met some Touareg men. This tribe of people operated the caravan trade routes across the Sahara Desert for over 2000 years. In their culture the men must have their faces mostly covered, but their women do not have to do this - quite different from other Muslim cultures.
We did some minor repairs to the electrical system here at the Van Dingenen residence. Hopefully the circuit breaker for the house will not trip any more. We did experience several hours of power outage again today, but the battery and inverter backup system on the house is very impressive in its ability to keep things going.

We met Dr. Jacob for the first time this evening, and we went over some of the details of the proposed electrical system for the new hospital with him and Ismael and Dr. Peter.

In a few hours we will be getting up and going to church with our hosts, then we are hoping to take them out to lunch, perhaps at a Mexican restaurant.
We keep hearing of snow back in Pennsylvania. We wish some of it could be here as it has been very hot. We trust you all are well back home and wherever you are following us from. Thanks again for your prayers and notes of encouragement.

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