Friday, January 21, 2011

In Cameroon

We traveled from Detroit to Paris yesterday, then from Paris on to Douala, Cameroon. Flying over the Alps in Southern France, it was a sight to see. Once we crossed the Mediterranean we flew over the Sahara Desert. We arrived at Douala on schedule at just after 8 PM. Gene's one bag apparently got stuck in a baggage conveyor somewhere, as it was severely damaged. He tried to file a claim only to find out it needed to be done elsewhere. We were some of the last to leave the terminal to travel to the guest house and we were mobbed by people trying to carry bags for us or anything else they could do to get some money from us. This is pretty normal, so we know what to expect when we go back to the airport on next Wednesday. The temperature and humidity in Douala was very hot and heavy. We decided to forgo dinner and just crash for the night. A few mosquitoes chased us indoors from the nice outdoor breeze.
This morning we had breakfast there and then left around 9 AM for the Mbingo Hospital just north of the city of Bamenda. After a six hour drive we arrived at the hospital. The hospital is located in the high country which is very temperate. We were impressed by the haze in the air, which is the Harmattan dust that blows out of the Sahara Desert certain times of the year. Anyone with allergies could possibly have some problems, but it has not affected us. Doug and Gary are staying with Thom and Ellen Schotanus at their home, and Tom and Gene are staying in another guest house. After dinner at the mission hostel we all came back to Thom and Ellen's house where I am writing this. The WORK begins tomorrow. We should be able to keep up on the blog and email now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you have arrived safely in Cameroon. I had not talked with you about the specifics so was a bit surprised to hear you are staying with Thom and Ellen. I have worked with Thom's sitter Tammy in the Philippines for many years. I'm sure they will care for you well.
    Thank you for the update. I continue to pray for you and look forward to hearing more from your adventures.
