Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday Morning in Ghana

After a night of sleep we went to the hotel's restaurant for breakfast. Francis Yawson, the Hospital Administrator from the Catholic Hospital of Apam (www.catholichospitalapam.com) left his hospital at 4:00 AM to come to our hotel to meet with us and share the needs for electrical power at his facility. A mission organization located in York, PA, called Building Solid Foundation (www.buildingsolidfoundations.org), founded by Grace Quartey, has been instrumental in providing a number of services to this hospital, including surgeons and other facilitators to improve the infrastructure of the hospital here in Ghana. Francis answered many of our questions about what direction the hospital is headed in the future, and he will be corresponding with us more as we examine the need. The grid power to the hospital is somewhat stable when it is on, but during times it is off for as much as 8 hours at a time. This is not good when a surgeon is in the middle of an operation. The hospital consists of 105 beds and accommodates as many as 200,000 patients in a year's time. I-TEC will be determining if this is a project the Lord is leading us to be involved in, as we continue to correspond with Francis and Grace. Francis told us that they have devotions with the staff daily, as well as chapel services shared by a Methodist chaplain and a Catholic chaplain weekly.

We are now heading over to the registration desk to catch our ride to the airport and our trip to Sierra Leone is beginning. It is almost 10:00 AM here. We will try to send a SPOT reading for those of you who are following that.

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