Saturday, February 5, 2011

Last Night in Sierra Leone

Today we spent a lot of time going over our notes and walking around verifying our measurements. A map of the compound was modified again to more closely reflect the true perspective of buildings and power poles. Tom even climbed up a cell phone tower that overlooks the area to get some good photos of the compound. The harmattan makes it difficult to zoom in on long shots, but we do now have some pretty good photos of the buildings.

We spent considerable time trying to assess the two Autoclave units the hospital has that are non-working. One of them appears to have very little time on it, but upon further observation we discovered chewed wires and rodent bones inside the electrical portion of the machine. So, we will try to get a proper schematic for the unit in the hopes that someone might be able to put it back in working order.

Tonight we noticed that a large amount of the forest or grassland in the distance is on fire. It was very impressive to see, but difficult to photograph as it was after dark.

The wind has subsided and it is back to being very muggy. We leave at 8:00 am for Panguma tomorrow. We will definitely not have the ability to update the blog until we can find some WIFI hotspots on our way home. Please keep us in your prayers. We thank you for following us these past three weeks.

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